How Multivitamins & Calcium Benefit Your Dog

We are all reading and hearing about the importance of nutritional food for your furry pet. The two key ingredients that are grabbing the attention of many dog parents are multivitamins and Calcium. 

You can spot pet parents discussing the importance of both for their pets. It's fortunate that more people in India are becoming aware of these important considerations because, in the past, owners would simply feed their pets what they ate, believing that this would provide them with the necessary nutrients.

If you are a pet parent and are still not concerned about the quantity of calcium and multivitamins your pet needs to be healthy, watch out; it's high time you give special attention to what your pet is eating.

To help you here a bit, today we will talk about the importance of vitamins and Calcium for your dog. Additionally, we will guide you on how to fulfil the required dose.

So, let’s get started.

How Multivitamins & Calcium Benefit Your Dog

Multivitamin For Dogs

As a devoted dog parent, you do a lot for your furry friends – playing with them, taking them for walks, and providing toys and treats. However, there's something many pet owners overlook.

Just like humans take daily multivitamins for overall health support, have you ever considered if your dog could benefit from the same?

These supplements play a vital role in maintaining your dog's health.  Before you search for the Best Multivitamin for dogs, let's learn about the benefits of multivitamins.

Benefits of Multivitamin

Vitamin A:  This fat-soluble vitamin is responsible for good vision, growth, fetal development, immune function, and cell function. Give your puppy a carrot to ensure your dog gets an adequate amount of vitamin A.

Vitamin B: These vitamins help regulate energy metabolism, support the nervous system, and maintain healthy blood cells.

Found in whole grains like brown rice or teff, green vegetables, and beans. 

Vitamin C: It helps reduce inflammation and cognitive aging by scavenging harmful free radicals in the body.

Present in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including zucchini, green beans, and potatoes.

Vitamin D: Essential for healthy bone and muscle development.

Vitamin D can be found in foods like fish oil, egg yolks, beef, and cottage cheese.

Vitamin E: Supports metabolism.

Found in leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and seeds such as chia seeds.

Vitamin K: Necessary for blood clotting

Vitamin K is found in leafy green vegetables, cabbage, and fish.

Calcium Syrup for Dogs

Do you know that dogs need more calcium in their bodies than humans? This is why giving dogs human food fails to meet their calcium requirements.

Calcium Syrup for Dogs is essential for your muscular contractions, from the skeletal muscles that allow your dog to run to the smooth muscles in organs like the intestines to the heart muscle that pumps blood throughout your dog's body. 

Benefits of Calcium 

  • Bone Health: Calcium keeps your dog's bones and teeth strong, preventing problems like breaks and dental issues.
  • Muscle Function: It helps your dog's muscles work properly so they can move well.
  • Nerve Transmission: Calcium helps messages travel between nerves and muscles, which keeps your dog's body working smoothly.
  • Blood Clotting: Your dog needs calcium for their blood to clot and stop bleeding when they get hurt.
  • Pregnancy and Nursing: Pregnant or nursing dogs need extra calcium to support their puppies' growth.
  • Overall Health: Calcium is involved in many processes in your dog's body, helping them stay healthy and full of energy.

Natural Source of Calcium

Vegetables and legumes such as broccoli, spinach, and beans, as well as fish (tuna and salmon are especially calcium-rich).

Giving your dog calcium syrup can help ensure they get enough of this important mineral to stay healthy and happy.

Summary: Every parent wants to see their pet playing, enjoying and full of energy; we also wish the same for your pet. That is why we have mentioned the key aspect you might forget to keep your puppy healthy.

We hope you consider the information and start giving your pet the right diet. And if you are planning to give your dog supplements, we recommend you visit Remediovet. They offer quality products with the best flavours that your pet will love and enjoy.


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